Women of Cizre join electoral campaign: 'We cannot just sit after losing so many youths'

  • 12:51 28 May 2018
  • News
ŞIRNAK - The women coming together in HDP’s women’s election campaign booth opened in Cizre have carried out work for organization neighborhood by neighborhood. “We cannot just sit after losing so many youths,” said the women, who remember the women, children and youths were killed in Cizre district.
Electoral campaigns are going on in Cizre, one of the demolished districts where hundreds of people, including women and children, were killed by the state. The people of Cizre, who haven’t left their houses despite ongoing demolition and displacement, have continued to carry out electoral campaign in the election booth opened by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). The women have taken the lead of the electoral campaign and they have carried out the works for organization neighborhood by neighborhood.  
‘Those who forget Cizira Botan are traitors'
Fatma Özal, one of women joining the electoral campaign, called on all people of Cizre to get together under the umbrella of the HDP. Stating that the people of Cizre will always stand firm, Fatma said, “The people who forget Cizira Botan are traitors. We will vote for ourselves again. We will continue to organize ourselves. Just the HDP can represent us in the parliament. Erdoğan has been in power for 16 years while the people have been oppressed. We want him to go now.”
‘We cannot sit after losing so many youths’
Xuxe Çağlar said they would vote for the HDP so that they could call those who are responsible to account for killing of people during the curfews. Xuxe continued to speak as follows; “We will vote for the HDP in order to stop shedding blood and massacres and to speak our language.” Xuxe said she lost her father, brother and son and she added, “I take over their struggle. We cannot sit after losing so many youths.”
‘We invite the people from all ages to come to the election campaign booth’
Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Cizre district Co-chair Hezni Arslan said they would continue their electoral campaign until the election day; “We have talks in the women’s election campaign booth. We have tea with the women after iftar. The most mothers stand up for the booth. We will continue to be here until the election day. We invite all people from all ages to come to our election campaign booth.”