‘Our heads are high, we will return to our lands’

  • 10:51 22 April 2018
  • News
Sozda Oremar
SHEHBA - Pointing out the physical and sexual torture against the women took place when Turkish army and its backed groups entered Afrin city center, Nurşan Hisen said, “The attacks on women’s body and honor know the sense of ambition and revenge in us. We will do everything to return to Afrin. We will enter Afrin as our heads high and free. The women will destroy the dirty plans of everybody.”
Afrin was declared as a canton in 2014 after the Rojava Revolution led by women. In 2016, it became a part of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria. Before the attacks of Turkey, the city was governed by people oriented municipality perspective. Before the attacks of Turkey and its backed groups, Democratic Nation model suggested by the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was formed and the citizens were added to the governing the city. The women took place as solution force in all of the social, political and economic problems.
The municipality and the canton administration continue to serve to the people of Afrin, who had to migrate to Shehba Canton due to the attacks on Afrin. Nurşan Hisen, one of the municipality administrators, commented on their works and women’s role in the works. Nurşan said, “A municipality exists to serve the people. Governing the people is the main role of the women in this work. Before the attacks of invader Turkey and its backed gangs, Afrîn Municipality worked to meet the needs of the society. They tried to stop our works by attacking us. But they didn’t manage this.”
‘Women play a role in in every sphere of life’
Stating that the women had a conscious will and played a role in social sphere in the democratic system in Afrin, Nursan said, “They played a great role in both democratic and autonomous governance. And in this way, the women took the mission of being a solution to problems. Women and life are two words growing together. The women, who serve the soil and the people, play their role as always.”
‘We deliver service to the people despite all impossibilities’
Saying that they women didn’t keen down despite the attacks, Nurşan added, “Those who invade our lands under the name of radical Islam are in fact the most frightened people of women's organization. The women of Afrin continue to resist in Shehba. As women taking place in the municipality, we deliver services to the people despite all impossibilities.”
‘Dirty plans will be destroyed’
Pointing out the physical and sexual torture against the women took place when Turkish army and its backed groups entered Afrin city center, Nurşan said, “The attacks on women’s body and honor know the sense of ambition and revenge in us. We will do everything to return to Afrin. We will enter Afrin as our heads high and free. The women will destroy the dirty plans of everybody. We will join hands with the women of Shehba and we will do everything to solve the problems.”