HDP’s works for election continue: Women will overthrow the AKP government

  • 13:37 21 April 2018
  • News
HATAY - Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MPs get together with the people in Erzin district of Hatay province as part of the party’s works for oncoming election. The party Ağrı MP Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir said “Those who will overthrow the AKP government are women,” on June 24.
Works for Turkey’s oncoming election of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) are going on. HDP Co-chair Sezai Temelli, HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş, HDP Ağrı MP Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir and members of the delegation with them were welcomed by the people in Erzin district of Hatay province. After the tour in the district, the party members got together with the people.
Noting that the HDP is the unity of the different people, Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir stated that they are welcomed with a great enthusiasm everywhere and Dilan greeted the enthusiasm of the people. Mentioning the pressures and oppression on the HDP, Dilan stated that the upright stand of the people against all pressures and oppressions are important. “Those who demand freedom are now in prisons. I am greeting our comrades held in prisons. We promise we will keep their resistance. HDP is also a women’s party and for this reason the pressures are carried out against them the most. The women will lead the fall of the AKP government.”
‘We will extirpate you on June 24’
After the speech of Dilan, HDP Co-chair Sezai Temelli spoke and he first greeted the people. Sezai said, “A 64 day process is waiting for us. They have followed us for three days and they say when we prepared and departed. We are ready for 40 days. If they success in this election, the country will go down the cliff. Who brought this country into this situation? The mindset in power for 16 years brought it. Every day they steal one of our rights for politics. This process is the process of a coup. They demand 99% of votes from the people of Şırnak without shame. You will get a very good slab from Şırnak. They say if you vote for the AKP, we will give you a house. They will get the necessary response. This election process is also our struggle process. The elections are important stops and stations of our struggle for democracy. We will keep our struggle for democracy and peace in this country. We will complete our work that we left uncompleted on June7 on June 28, we will extirpate you.”
The HDP delegation will get together with the people of İskenderun and Antakya.