Betül kills her abusive husband in self-defense

  • 11:44 7 April 2018
  • News
ISTANBUL - Betül F. killed her husband Sedat F., who systematically abused her, in self-defense in Istanbul’s Pendik district.
Betül F. killed her husband Sedat F., who systematically abused her, in self-defense in Istanbul’s Pendik district. Her neighbors said Sedat had constantly inflicted violence against Betül and their children and Betül killed him in self-defense last night after being subjected to violence.
After the incident, Betül went to home of her neighbor and told what had happened. Her neighbor called the health team to the scene. As the team confirmed that Sedat died at the scene, Betül has been detained. Their five children aged between 14 and two have been taken by their relatives.