‘We will take to the streets for Newroz to show that Afrin is not alone’

  • 13:53 19 March 2018
  • News
BATMAN - “Those who tore down the statue of the blacksmith Kawa in Afin shouldn’t think it is just a statue. Afrin is everywhere,” said the HDP Batman MP Ayşe Acar Başaran, who stated that they will light the Newroz fire lit by the blacksmith Kawa everywhere.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Batman provincial organization came together with the press members for breakfast on Newroz program. HDP Batman MP Ayşe Acar Başaran spoke and she said they had wanted to celebrate Newroz on March 18 but the government restricts to celebrate Newroz on March 21. “If they want the Newroz to be celebrated on March 21 then they should declare this day as holiday and in this we can celebrate it everywhere. But they just destroy when the Kurdish people and their values are in question. Today a group of gang tore down the statue of the blacksmith Kawa (a central figure in a Kurdish legend about the celebration of Newroz) in Afrin. We will light the fire lit by Kawa everywhere. We will be thousands and we will flock to the streets to show that Afrin is not alone,” said Ayşe.
‘’Afrin is everywhere’
Expressing that they expect thousands to flock to the streets in Batman, Ayşe said, “Those who tore down the statue of the blacksmith Kawa in Afin shouldn’t think it is just a statue. We will light the fire lit by Kawa everywhere because Afrin is Amed, Afrin is Van, Afrin is Batman and Afrin is everywhere.”
After the speech, the program of Newroz in Batman was announced. Newroz celebration will take place in Newroz area next to new bus station on March 21 with the participation of HDP MPs Sibel Yiğitalp and Kadri Yıldırım and many singers.