Diyarbakır’s first Newroz fire lit in Bağlar

  • 15:07 18 March 2018
  • News
DİYARBAKIR/BİTLİS - As the Newroz fire has been lit in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır,  the people of Bitlis have been invited to Newroz celebration to be held in Tatvan.
The first Newroz fire has been lit in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır province with the motto, “Let’s strengthen resistance with the spirit of Newroz; let’s gain the victory in Afrin”. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Feleknas Uca, the administrators of the HDP and DBP (Democratic Regions Party) district and provincial organizations and many people attended the celebration. The people shouted the slogans such as, “Long live Leader Apo” and “Long live resistance of Afrin”.
The people invited to Newroz celebration in Bitlis
Leaflets were distributed in Bitlis to invite the people to Newroz celebration to be held in Bitlis’ Tatvan district on March 21.