Foza Yusif: Four parts of Kurdistan should be clamped together around Afrin

  • 11:01 11 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The Executive Council of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria Co-chair Foza Yusif says the people of Afrin face with a big massacre and she calls on the people living in four parts of Kurdistan and Europe for mobilization.
The Executive Council of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria Co-chair Foza Yusif talked about the last developments in Afrin. Foza Yusif said that international forces, particularly Russia, are responsible for the massacre against the people of Afrin.
‘The people of Afrin face with a massacre’
“Afrîn resists Erdoğan and Daesh on behalf of all humanity,” Foza said, “The people and heroes of Afrin have put up a legendary resistance against the enemies for 51 days. Afrin is now encircled to kill hundred thousand people. The people of Afrin face with a massacre. Erdoğan’s aim is to conduct genocide against the people of Afrin and to change the demographic structure of the Afrin region. He wants to handover Afrin to the terrorists.”
Call for mobilization
Foza called for mobilization and she said, “I call on the people living in four parts of Kurdistan and Europe for mobilization, this should be carried out everywhere. Today is Afrin; tomorrow will be Manbij and then all Syria. Erdoğan sold the people of Guta for carrying out a massacre in Afrin. For this reason, the people of Northern Syria should rise up everywhere. They should stand against this crime against humanity. The time is to terminate Erdoğan’s international terror. The time is to stop Erdoğan’s crime against humanity against the Kurdish people. Our resistance undoubtedly will win.”