Jineology conference held in Derek

  • 10:58 13 January 2018
  • News
DEREK - A two-day Jineology Conference has been held in in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria in the city of Derek on January 12-13 with the participation of many women from every ethnicity and religion of Northern Syria, from all four parts of Kurdistan, and internationalists, joined the conference and expressed their excitement in participating in creating history. The conference will continue today.
On Friday 12th January, women gathered in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria in the city of Derek for the first ever conference on Jineology; the science of women aimed at developing a sociology, and practice behind it, based on truth and equality. Women from every ethnicity and religion of Northern Syria, from all four parts of Kurdistan, and internationalists, joined the conference and expressed their excitement in participating in creating history. The date of the conference was chosen to honor the female comrades who were martyred in January 20-- and 20--, and last year in Qeracox.
The opening speech was made by Foza Yosif, the co-leader of the DFNS, where she stressed the importance of Jineology for the democratic revolution in society as well as for the military effort against dismantling fascism.
A report of the two years of work was presented, criticizing the capitalist system for the formation of shapeless people, contrasting this with the goal of Jineology: to build a free life for all. In this context, research centres and committees have been opened across Northern Syria, education on the subject is given to all men and women working in the democratic institutions, to the fighters of the YPG and YPJ, as well as to school students aged 16-18, and for the first time ever in the Middle East, an all-women’s village is being constructed to put into practice the ideas of a free, ecological, and communal life, based on the empowerment of women.
An open discussion was then initiated, where women gave their views on the work done and suggestions for the future. Criticisms here come in the form of aiming to positively develop each other as comrades working together towards a democratic, free life, and in this way, several were made which will contribute to the development of Jineologys effect on society. One woman emphasized liberalisms special war on the youth; they are shouting about freedom but understanding it in an individualistic way. She suggested that the dogmatisms of education be broken in order to give the youth a true understanding of themselves and freedom. Another woman said that since seeing Jineology education she began work, but because of the patriarchal mindset of males around her, she still struggles every day to go to work and take an equal role. She claimed that by understanding and practicing Jineology ideas, through our empowerment and participation in society, together we will also give men their freedom. Another woman said that the YPJ is seen like a bright star in the world and that Jineology is also becoming to be seen like a star. Whilst there are wars between and against almost everybody in the Middle East, this conference has shown what democracy is with the participation of all ethnicities and religions. But she criticized that until now, the basic problem is that the level that is needed has not been reached, as many people see others as smaller. She emphasized that we are all special; everybody must live as who they are, and in this way, work towards freeing ourselves and each other is for all of society to do together. Her second point was that we have not yet destroyed sexism, and this is not just the work of the YPJ, we cannot do this only with weapons: Jineology is the liberation of women. “If we do this, we will be an example for the whole world, we will create a huge belief, and a lot of power for oppressed people everywhere.”
The two-day conference will continue today, with a report on the research on sociology in the perspective of Jineology, followed by an open debate on politics, economy, ethics and aesteitcs, demography, education, self-defense, sexism in society, family, existing social problems, and finishes with a perspective on the future.