4 people detained on Yüksel Avenue

  • 14:49 9 January 2018
  • News
ANKARA - Police attacked the people gathering for “We want our jobs back” action and detained four of them.
The hunger strike launched by two educators Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça, who were dismissed from their duties by emergency decrees issued under the state of emergency, has continued for 307 days. The “We want our jobs back” action initiated by Nuriye in front of Human Rights Monument on Yüksel Avenue has been held by public laborers for 427 days.
The protesters wearing vests reading, “We want our jobs back” gathered on Konur Street in order to issue a press statement but the police blocked them. The protesters therefore wanted to make a statement in front of police shields and unfurled a banner reading, “On the 307th day of hunger strike, Nuriye and Semih should be reinstated.” Police attacked them and detained four of them.