SKM launches 'we want to live freely in Kurdistan' campaign

  • 15:57 8 November 2017
  • News
Şehriban Aslan
DİYARBAKIR - Women of Socialist Women's Assemblies (SKM) who want to draw attention to increasing rate of violence against women and increasing rate of femicides, have launched a campaign with the slogan "We want to live freely in Kurdistan".
Deniz Aktaş, who gave information about the campaign, stated that women's life is restricted by the state of emergency (OHAL) and they will fight against it and will raise awareness.
The "We Want to Live Initiative", which was a result of actions against the massacres of women by the Socialist Women's Assemblies (SKM) on 11th of every month, declared its foundation on October 7th.
Women of Socialist Women's Assemblies (SKM) has launched a campaign in Kurdistan with the motto "We want to live freely in Kurdistan" after the announced declaration. Deniz Aktaş, who has a part in the campaign launched thence "November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in the World", pointed that men are supported by anti-feminine laws.
The free life demand in Kurdistan
Deniz pointed out that they will support the campaign with a series of activities during November 1-25. Deniz, said "There are various practices brought about the state of emergency (OHAL). These practices first have headed towards women. Many women were dismissed from their job by the declaration of the statutory decrees (KHKs). We can say that 25 thousand women have been left unemployed. Women's institutions have been closed. Male violence has increased considerably during this period. These are very troublesome problems for us. The lawyers of the victims are being arrested while the rapists are walking free. In addition, many politicians and co-mayors have been arrested and these made the rate of violence against women increased."
‘We don’t accept the trustee appointed in our place’
Referring to the recent legislation, Deniz highlighted that the laws enacted are the laws, which weigh against women. Deniz said, "Women forced to marry those who raped themselves. Such laws have passed through the Parliament and women have launched a rebellion against it. Then the curriculum's reactionary has increased and also male dominance and violence against women increased. The appointed trustees first closed the women's institutions. Due to the closure of women's institutions, women who are involved in social life are being tried to be removed from the society. These policies made consciously. The removal of OHAL was already demanded in our campaign. We don’t want the trustees that appointed in our place, we want them to withdraw from our municipalities. Deniz, pointed out to the increase of armored vehicle massacres along with the war policies. Deniz, added "Women are constantly subjected to male violence. The male violence is not limited only with this. The women are murdered by panzers."
Deniz, has announced that they will present their signing campaign for the massacres of women to the Assembly.