'Independent ward' imposition on female prisoners of Revolutionary Party

  • 14:36 27 October 2017
  • News
ANKARA - A member of the Revolutionary Party and student of  Ankara University, Özgecan Özgenç, who was arrested last month in Ankara, stated that they sent a petition to Sincan Prison to stay with the women arrested due to the same case that they stand trial for, last year, however saying "Do you want to participate in (terrorist) organization?”, the administration has insisted to send them to the independent ward.
Özgecan stated that even her vital needs have been arbitrarily prevented by the administration, and said, "We resist against every practice, which clash with human dignity."
Her father also was arrested 
 Özgecan Özgenç, a student at Ankara University, who has been detained and has been sent to Sincan Womens’ Closed Prison after being arrested on September 27th by the operation carried out toward the United Revolutionary Party in Ankara, touched on the illegality they had experienced through the letter she sent. Stating that eight of the 11 detainees were arrested without taking their statements by the prosecutor's office's, Özgecan, said “My father was arrested with us. This is very absurd. As four women, we wanted to share what we experienced when we were brought to Sincan Womens’ Closed Prison."
 Prison administration: Do you want to participate in  (terrorist ) orgizanization ?
Özgecan expressed that after the day they were arrested, the prison administration said them that they will be sent to their wards after taken them to the prison administration assembly meeting but before this they had made them to wait in the temporary ward at night. "We have stated at the meeting held on October 3th  that we want to stay in the wards with our friends who have been trialed for the same case (Revolutionary Communities Party [DKP]/ United Freedom Forces [BÖG]) with us and have been detained for more than 10 months without not even taking to the any court meeting. The assembly wanted us to write a petition stating ‘we want to go to the ward where independents stay’, asking us, ‘Do you want to participate in (terrorist) organization?’. We, four university students women, who had no prison experience before, faced with the policies of disidentification and isolation in our first day here " said, Özgecan. 
The prison yard door was locked, urgent needs weren’t meet
Özgecan, emphasized that prison administration wanted them to be misled by saying, "They want to stay independent ward and give independent petition then", although they frequently said the administration that they want to stay with the women with same case in prison, and stated in rest of their letter what she experienced as follows: 
"As the four just arrested women, we were put in a non-hygienic ward where there was no any furniture or anything else, and the prison yard door, needed to be opened at 8 a.m., had been locked up to 1 p.m. They have delayed us for days even when we want them to meet our most urgent needs, such as sanitary towel and drinking water. We have made an allegation for this issue. After much effort on our path, our prisoner friends came our ward. They impose upon us arbitrary practices taking advantage of knowing that our six people ward has average age of 22-year-old young prisoners. However, before we get used to their banalization policies, we resist every practise, which clash with human dignity. We want you to carry our voices out of these walls. We also salute the women who stay in the G-4 ward where we cannot go to them  due to the administration’s  manipulation.