They called out before the call of the century: Let our leader be free

  • 16:02 27 February 2025
  • News
AMED- Speaking to JINNEWS before the call of the century, women said, ‘We have been very excited since we heard the news, we could not sleep at night. Let the doors of İmralı be opened. Let our leader be free.’
The 7-member delegation that will hold the third meeting with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan travelled to İmralı Island in the morning. The Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) delegation includes Ahmet Türk, Pervin Buldan, Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Tülay Hatimoğulları, Tuncer Bakırhan, Cengiz Çiçek and Faik Özgür Erol. The delegation will make a public statement at the Elite World Hotel in Taksim, Istanbul at 17.00. This historic announcement will also be broadcast live on LED screens in Wan and Amed.
Squares started to fill up
Following the calls made by Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Democratic Regions Party (DEM Party), preparations were completed at Şex Seîd Square in Amed. Citizens were invited to the areas where the call would be followed through neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood briefings and digital media throughout the city.
Thousands of people travelled to Amed from the surrounding provinces from the early hours of the morning. Upon reaching the square, the masses expressed their excitement with the slogans ‘Biji Serok Apo, biji berxedana İmralı’.
‘We couldn't sleep from excitement’
The women who filled the area told our microphones that they were here with great hope and determination. Many people expressed their feelings by saying, "We have been excited since we heard this news, we could not sleep at night. Let the doors of İmralı be opened, let our leadership be free."
All eyes are turned to the squares in Amed and Wan for the historic announcement to be made at 17.00.