Suruç Trial begins: Justice for Suruç, justice for all

  • 12:25 22 October 2021
  • News
URFA - Speaking in the statement made before the Suruç Massacre Trial, HDP MP Ayşe Sürücü said, ‘’No dream will be left unfinished. We will continue to say justice for Suruç, justice for all’’.
On 20 July 2015, in the Suruç district of Urfa, 33 people were killed and many others were injured in the suicide bomb attack carried out by ISIS against those who gathered at the Amara Cultural Center to bring toys to the children in Kobanê.
The 21st hearing of the lawsuit regarding the massacre will be held at the Hilvan Closed Prison Campus Urfa 5th High Criminal Court. Before the hearing, the mass gathered in the prison campus made a press release. Families of those who lost their relatives in the massacre, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Republican People’s Party (CHP) MPs and many citizens participated in the statement.
‘We will weave our struggle for justice’
Feti Aydın, father of Çağdaş Aydın, who lost his life in the massacre, said that 33 dream travelers came together to fulfill their dreams. Feti continued, ‘’How can there be massacres in front of the cameras? How could the murderers hold a meeting in the middle of Ankara? It is near that we will weave our struggle for justice’’.
‘No dream will be unfinished’
HDP Urfa MP Ayşe Sürücü, who took the floor afterward, said that there was no fair trial and stated that as HDP, they stand by the families. Pointing out that the clarification of the Suruç case will also bring the clarification of other cases, Ayşe said, ‘’We are calling from here once again. No dream will be left unfinished. We will continue to say justice for Suruç, justice for all’’.
‘We will follow’
Speaking at the end, CHP Bursa MP Orhan Sarıbal noted that similar massacres in the country were tried to be covered up by making them forget, and stated that they knew who were behind such massacres. Orhan said, ‘’Everyone knows everything, but this process is carried out through impunity. By covering up the massacres, new incidents are paving the way. We will follow the cases that are covered up’’.
After the statement, the mass went to the court hall to follow the trial.