Reaction from Kongreya Star to detain of politicians

  • 16:38 9 August 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Kongreya Star reacted to the detain of three Kurdish women politicians by the KDP and called for the three names to be released as soon as possible.
There is still no news from the three politicians of the Kurdistan Free Women's Organization (RJAK), who attended the commemoration in Shengal for those who lost their lives in the Êzidî massacre from the city of Hewler in the Federated Kurdistan Region and were detained by the KDP public order on their way back. Concerning the detain of RJAK executives Xewla Mihemed Hesen and Ciwana Ebdulbaqî and RJAK member Seyran Ehmed Hesen, the women's organization in Northern and Eastern Syria, Kongreya Star, made a written statement.
Drawing attention to the KDP's attacks on the Kurdish struggle and the Autonomous Administration, the following was noted: ‘’The KDP wants to prevent Kurdish unity with the attacks. Two months ago, representatives of the PYD and the Autonomous Administration were detained by the KDP. After intense calls, both PYD members were released. However, the fate of Cihan Hesen, the representative of Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration of Hewler, is still unknown.’’
While calling for the release of three RJAK member politicians as soon as possible, the statement underlined that the KDP is responsible for the lives of RJAK members.