2nd Middle East Women’s Conference starts in Beirut

  • 14:14 30 July 2021
  • News
NEWS CENTER - The 2nd Middle East Women's Conference started with the participation of hundreds of women with the slogan ‘’We Will Achieve a Democratic Revolution with the Union of Women.’’
The 2nd Middle East Women's Conference started in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, with the participation of women from 18 countries, with the slogan ‘’We Will Achieve a Democratic Revolution with the Unity of Women’’. 100 women from many countries attended the two-day conference. In addition, about 30 women were connected to the conference via Zoom. The conference was organized by Jean Women's Union, Democratic Women's Gathering, Iraqi Women's Union, Palestine Women's Committees Union and Tunisian Democratic Women's Association.
After the speech titled ‘’Our Strength in Our Unity Is Our Initiative’’ on behalf of the preparatory committee, the conference started with the screening of the documentary film "Women are Resisting" about the struggles of women in the Middle East.
Problems will be addressed
The first session will focus on the crisis in the Middle East and North Africa and their effects on women. Among the topics to be discussed at the conference are sexism, religious extremism, nationalism, the reality of the nation state and power, regional women's resistance and policies against it, and the impact of wars.
Women’s struggle experiences will be discussed
In the second session, the experiences of women from the Middle East and North Africa in the political field in Turkey, in the cultural field in Lebanon, in the economic field in Jordan, in the legal field in Tunisia, and women's struggle against the occupation in Palestine will be discussed.
Rojava system will be discussed
In the third session titled ‘’Strategies for Action’’, the establishment of a modern system such as self-defense and feminist solidarity tools against masculine thought from the Egyptian experiences, the fight against extremists, the women of Afghanistan, and the Rojava experience in Northern and Eastern Syria will be discussed.
The fourth session of the conference will also discuss the results of the workshop hosted by the conference, which is three workshops on working mechanisms to build a regional women's alliance to face current challenges.
The fifth and final session will be titled ‘’Actual and Desired’’, where opportunities and risks as well as weaknesses and strengths will be analyzed.