Bairam break to water cut lasting 22 days

  • 12:21 15 July 2021
  • News
BATMAN - The "thirst" that started when DEDAŞ cut off the electricity going to the dynamos in nine villages of Kozluk district was given a bairam break after 22 days.
Dicle Electricity Distribution Incorporated Company (DEDAŞ) cut the electricity of the dynamos, which supply water to nine villages in Batman's Kozluk district, on the grounds that they "have unpaid debts" on June 23. After the cut, Yeniçağlar (Zîlan) village and Bacak (Bacaxê) hamlet and Karpuzlu (Selîvê), Samanyolu (Kanîkê), Dövecik (Malê Gir),parmakkapı (Hiskut), Taşlıdere (Holê) and Doğancık (Kifîfê) and Eskice (Xoxê) villages have been without water. On July 13, due to condolences, the dynamo that supplied water to Zilan village was temporarily energized.
As of yesterday, DEDAŞ has connected the electricity of the dynamos that provide water to the other 8 villages. The problem in the villages, which were temporarily energized on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, is still not permanently solved.
Village headpersons stated that the dynamos of the water wells are temporarily powered. After 22 days, life returned to normal in the villages where water started to flow from the tap.
Diseases started with thirst
Since the start of the cut, the people living in the villages and the animals they have been keeping have been left without water. The residents of the village, whose electricity was cut off, met their daily water needs with their own means. Due to thirst, cases of vomiting and diarrhea started in children in the villages.
16-year-old İsa Üke, who lives in Zilan, was barely escape drowning in the canal he entered to have a bath on July 10, and died the next day in the Batman Training and Research Hospital, where he was taken.