‘I do not trust new laws to be enacted by state’

  • 10:51 16 June 2021
  • News
İZMİR - Stating that the 4th Judicial Package aims to pave the way for violence and to silence women, makind the evaluation women said: “I do not trust the new laws to be enacted by the state. Because they are trying to pass more political Islam laws. I think that the men in the parliament also have a history of violence. That's why I cannot trust."
The content of the 4th Judicial Package prepared by the AKP was determined at the meeting held on Tuesday, chaired by vice president Fuat Oktay, with the participation of AKP Parliamentary Group representatives. We asked women in İzmir about the package prepared within the framework of the "Judicial Reform Strategy Document" announced by President Tayyip Erdoğan on May 30, 2019.
‘There cannot be evidence of harassment’
Sema Karabacak, one of the women to whom we handed the microphone that there is no solution to violence against women, said that men kill women with the logic of "I will spend three-five years in prison" and that strict laws should be enacted against this. Sema said: “They can prevent violence and deaths with laws. Women's right to defense is blocked. There cannot be evidence of harassment. The state has to go after the case and prove it. A woman should not be harassed and try to prove it. The state is trying to put its duty on us. As a result of the law, perpetrators will continue to rape, the state does nothing. They protect men by law, they do not protect women. By protecting men, they involve women more in violence. Violence against women was something that the prophets forbade as a religion, but the state has a 'kill' mentality.”
‘They are trying to enact political Islamic laws’
Noting that violations of women's rights are not on the agenda enough, considering that women's rights concern only women, student İlayda Betinger said: “A problem with women's rights means a problem in society. That's why everything about women is about society. A 14-year-old girl is raped and embarrassed to tell anyone. Won't her statement be taken seriously when the rape marks on her body are erased? It is the state's responsibility to detect this harassment. I do not trust the new laws that the state will enact. Because they are trying to enact more political Islamic laws. There are very few women in the parliament. I think that the men in the parliament also have a history of violence. That's why I cannot trust. They are not people to fight for anyone's rights. Nobody is saying let's do something for the rights of children, human beings and animals. Therefore, the decision to be taken in this environment is not the right decision. If only the Istanbul Convention had been implemented, then so many women would not have been killed.”
‘Women are trying to be silenced’
Ada Kaya, another student, said that it is a "serious situation" to be harassed, raped and to put the responsibility of proving it on women. Ada stated: “It is the state's job to prove harassment. The state should examine the victim's statement objectively, not glorifying men. There should be positive discrimination. It is very difficult to express this situation. This is being hindered. Trying to be silenced so that she doesn't say it. The state is where women get help, but worse things happen when they get help. When a woman is harassed in the workplace, when she declares it, the word of the boss is trusted, not the woman. This is something that cannot be ignored.”
‘The laws they enact increase rape’
Pointing out that with the new law, women are not taken into account, Ela said: “They increase rape with the laws they enact, I do not think they protect women. By enacting secret laws, they put women at greater risk. They do things like that to show themselves that they ere good and ‘we are doing something.”
‘They are trying to achieve male supremacy’
Stating that the abolition of the Istanbul Convention is an expected situation in a process where violations of rights are experienced, Ayşe said: “They are removing the country from being a country to live in, especially for women. In such a case, it is clear that no proof can be obtained. It's really pathetic to put a woman in such a situation. We are the ones in trouble again. I am also harassed in daily life, but I cannot speak up. Because I know that there will be a social judgment from the outside, they will blame me. They have efforts to ensure male supremacy and establish their own dominance. They are trying to silence women in general. If women resist, they cannot do anything.”