Students want science for public, not for capital

  • 11:09 12 May 2021
  • News
İZMİR - Pınar Usta from the Student Collective emphasized that knowledge in universities should be democratic, scientific, free, and accessible, not for capital and power.
In the last five years, trustees, statutory decrees, and purges of academics, and cadres at universities have been changed. Drawing attention to the fact that this is done not for the people but for the capital and the government, the students point out that the Justice and Development Party (AKP) – Nationalist Movement Pary (MHP) government has led to standardization with these policies.
Pınar Usta from the Student Collective said that universities do not satisfy today's generation who can access information faster. Pınar is in favor of distributing word, authorization and decision to all components and making knowledge public, free of charge, on academic grounds.
‘Universities have deformed rapidly in the last five years’
Stating that the university, whose quality changes according to the relationship it establishes with the world and the city, produces knowledge in line with its founding principles, Pınar noted that the subjects that created the university also depend on it. Stating that universities are being turned into centers where knowledge is produced to train staff for the capital and the state, Pınar said: "Since high school, we have been meeting the education process with the competitive, oppressor-oppressed relationship, and then we have been reduced to acquiring knowledge and practical training based on obtaining a position. Again, we are unable to access information. Because while they condition their production for capital, they also adjust all management staff accordingly. The position taken by a dean, head of department and academicians shows what the information produced there is produced for."
Pınar pointed out that the interventions of the power and capital in the knowledge production processes in universities such as Boğaziçi and METU encountered resistance from some academicians and students. Stating that even though trustees have been appointed to these universities in the last five years, Pınar said that the elimination of the cadres is much older, and that similar reactions are expected from other universities. “When we first enter the university, we try to get to know them first. While it cannot create some conditions, the trustee-chancellors are before us, reactionary or abusive academics. There are privileged academicians in the management staff. Along with the capital, the state is also institutionalized. "After the institutionalization of the High Education Board after the 1980s, the cadres in universities are gradually becoming unqualified."
‘University students have the potential to rebel’
Emphasizing that universities have become more unqualified as of today, Pınar stated that this situation has the potential to revolt for students who spend about five years at the university. Noting that students who want to be involved in word, authorization and decision-making processes demand a democratic, non-sexist university with safe space practice, Pınar said: "Now there is an online education, and we are having difficulties. Shopping malls, we see that the tourism sector is open, and it is the government that creates the conditions for lockdown. We see that it is irrational to close educational institutions under these conditions."
‘The power is trying to make it appear marginal’
Stating that the information has been turned into purchasable package information by some academics, Pınar continued: "Normally we say that gender courses should be compulsory, but these courses are given by some academics as courses. We call it the information age. However, all the key information is given in the form of courses. In other words, there is information that can be accessed by those who have money. But students who score well can go to the Boğaziçi. I do not find the statements that he is an elitist true. As soon as the government calls elitist, intellectual, marginal, some of the society thinks that way. However, their purchasing power and life are not different, but university has knowledge."
Stating that people close to the president stand out in the appointment of rectors, Pınar noted that "a kind of sultanate system" is operated. Pınar said: “While Necdet Budak held closed events with the AKP organization at Ege University, brought in Binali Yıldırım, the former Minister of Transport, and that Ziraat Cafe was given to the head of the mafia organization Sedat Peker, and the constructions within the university were given to AKP companies which reflected in the reports of the Court of Account. Pınar stated: "This is available in many universities. Melih Bulu was preferred due to the door it opened to the capital. Verşan Kök is a graduate of METU, but what kind of graduate is he? The scientific work he has done in the appointment of the rector or his situation in gender equality are not factors. His attitude is reflection of the government."
‘The education system teaches to live with fascism’
Noting that students are on the most passive side of the education system and that there is no education policy, Pınar said that students are given the information the government needs. Pointing to the fact that living with fascism has been taught since primary education, Pınar said: "We learn to live with war policies of chauvinism. The education system changes every year. It gives the culture of submissiveness. Students cannot choose to go abroad either. It is no longer possible in terms of pandemic and economically."
‘Word, authorization and decision should be taken with all university components’
Expressing that they want to return to the campuses they see as living spaces, they want to produce knowledge for the society, Pınar emphasized that she is in favor of creating an academic community where different ideas and theses can be found together. "Word, authorization and decision should be taken with all components. To production of knowledge and the creation of a welfare atmosphere, the special security unit of the police and the conditions of pressure must go from the university. To production of knowledge, there should be no fear. There should be no gender-based attacks such as harassment, rape, or pressure such as religion. However, we are devalued as subjects outside of the ruling identity," she said.
‘University students should not be left alone’
Pınar emphasized that universities' efforts on change, solidarity and demands continue to be increased and said: "It is necessary not to make university students into marginal groups and leave them alone. It is a very valuable thing for them to embrace ‘These are our children’. We can produce information collectively. We can only succeed if we are supported. It is very possible for our friends to be kidnapped and detained by torture. Because the power is trying to destroy."
Academics can make information accessible for free
Stating that in the face of attacks on academies, university information should be made public and accessible free of charge, Pınar added that there may be problems in transporting this information without scientific standards.