71st group takes over hunger strike in Maxmûr

  • 15:07 7 May 2021
  • News
MAXMUR - The 71st group took over the hunger strike in Maxmûr on its 141st day.
The indefinite-alternating hunger strike launched in many places, especially in prisons, against the aggravated isolation imposed on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan continues. Today, the new group took over the action initiated in Maxmûr Martyr Rüstem Cudi Camp under the leadership of Ishtar Council. As the ongoing action in the Martyrs' Families Council entered its 141st day, the 71st group took over the action.
A minute of silence was made on behalf of those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy and freedom. Speaking on behalf of the 70th group, Nurettin Kaya greeted the hunger strike actions. Underlining that they will crown the resistance with victory, Nurettin said that all Kurdish people should be sensitive to the action. Expressing that there are attacks against the Kurdish people from all sides, Nurettin said: "Our resistance and struggle will win. We believe that."
The statement ended with the slogans "Bijî Serok Apo", "Bê seroka jiyan nabe", "Bijî Berxwedana Zap, Avaşîn û Metîna" and "Bijî berxwedana gerîlla".