Relative of prisoner: Do not be silent against isolation

  • 13:17 21 April 2021
  • News
Medya Üren
MARDIN - Relative of the prisoner, who called not to be silent against the increasing violations of rights in prisons and isolation policies, stressed that hunger strikes should be embraced.
The hunger strike launched by Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) prisoners on November 27, 2020, to end the aggravated isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the increasing violations of rights in prisons, continues on the 146th day with the 30th group. While violations of rights in prisons increase, isolation policies continue to deepen. The prisoners' families stated that sensitivity to hunger strike was not enough at the point of embracing the actions and demanded that give a voice to the prisoners.
'Isolation policies spread to all prisons'
Ali Aykut, who has been under arrest for four years in Mardin Prison, has health problems, his mother Cemile Aykut stated that Ali suffers from epilepsy and asthma. Cemile, who regarded the sick prisoners staying in prison conditions as "remorselessness", said, "My son has been in prison unlawfully for four years. He is both a patient and a father of four children. I try to meet the needs of the children with my old-age pension. Their mothers do not work either. We are also sending money to Ali. There are hundreds of prisoner families like us. Our children are imprisoned without any evidence. It does not obey any law or humanity. Isolation policies have spread to all prisons. Now everyone has to give a voice."
'Their demands are our demands'
Cemile noted that the prisoners' rights were ignored and even their human rights were not recognized. Cemile said, “Isolation is a crime against humanity. We, as families, are kept in isolation with the prisoners. The demands of the prisoners are also our demands. We will not be silent until the demands are met."
'Hunger strikes are not on the agenda enough'
Drawing attention to the right violations experienced by Kemal Kaplan, who has been in Balıkesir Prison for 28 years, his wife Ayten Kaplan said that they had nine children and she had to raise their children alone after Kemal was arrested. Saying that they had to live in poverty, Ayten stated that she worked as a seasonal agricultural worker in many places. Ayten, who met the needs of her children with the money she earned, emphasized that she was also in isolation. Ayten said, “They arrested my husband without any evidence. I took care of my children for years in poverty. I had to marry my daughters at a young age out of desperation. My husband is sick and cannot stay in prison conditions. I am sick either. I cannot even go to see my husband. There are hunger strikes but not enough voice. Hunger strikes are not on the agenda. The state is applying isolation to all of us.”
'Let the prisons be heard'
Stating that her husband Kemal was exiled from prisons many times, Ayten said that she raised her children on prison roads. Ayten said, “Every exile of my husband has been a torment for us. Because going those roads with my children was challenging us both financially and morally. Sometimes I would not take the children, but sometimes I would take them to see their fathers. We want the isolation to end now. These problems will end if the isolation ends. Isolation is a crime against humanity. We condemn the isolation. The hunger strikes act is justifiable. I want the hunger strike action to embrace. Let the prisoners be heard.”