Intolerance of police to banner of Istanbul Convention continues

  • 15:32 20 April 2021
  • News
ADANA - The banner that the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) hung on its building to draw attention to the femicide was removed by the police.
HDP Adana Women's Council hung a banner the Istanbul Convention on the HDP Seyhan District Organization building that drew attention to the femicide was removed by the police. The justification was given to be "ban". On the banner that was hung yesterday, the names of 88 women who were killed in the first three months of 2021, the phrase also is written; "We do not give up the Istanbul Convention, the Istanbul Convention will keep alive."
HDP Adana Women's Council Spokesperson Gülcan Kurnaz reacted to the removal of the banner by the police and said that this situation is an indication of the intolerance of the male state against women's gains. Gülcan stated that they will not give up their achievements as women and will fight by resisting.