The man who murdered his wife and child with torture will be tried in front of the public

  • 10:58 6 January 2021
  • News
KOBANÊ - The court of Hisên Ebdo Ebas, who tortured and murdered Hûda El-Elî and her child under the name of "recim"(stone to death) in Kobanê, will be held on Thursday.  The court will be set up in front of the public. Rewşen Hacim, a member of the Euphrates Region Ministry of Social Justice, said, "With the decision of the people, the guilty Hisên Ebdo Ebas will be punished."
In the Kobanê Canton, Hûda El-Elî (26) and her child were tortured and murdered by her husband Hisên Ebdo Ebas at around 21:00 on the evening of February 22, last year, under the name of 'recim' (killing someone with stones). The male perpetrator surrendered after the incident to the public order units in the canton. In the court that has been held since February, the public has been asked for a platform decision and to punish the perpetrator. The platform about the male perpetrator will be held at the Baqi Xido Cultural Center on Thursday, January 7. The Autonomous Administration, parliament and the people of Kobanê will participate in the platform.
Speaking to our agency on the subject, Rewşen Hacim, member of the Ministry of Social Justice of the Euphrates Region, said: “When we completed the final investigations of the case, we found it appropriate for the public to punish this person. Always especially, in the 21st century,  the massacre of a woman and child  in this way has been discussed a lot. For this reason, we will organize a platform on Thursday with the participation of the people of Kobanê and the institutions and councils belonging to the Autonomous Administration. On the platform, we will explain the massacre to the public with the finest details.  According to our laws, we have the right to impose from 3 years to a life sentence. But with the decision of the public Hisên Ebdo Ebas will be punished. "
‘Justice will be served’
Emphasizing that the massacre affected all the people of North and East Syria, especially in Kobanê, Rewşen said, “The most painful thing was that he killed his own child and wife by recm (stoning). The people reacted a lot against this murder and showed their attitude harshly. We thought the people would make the right decision. Therefore, we thought it would be healthier for the murderer to be punished with the decision taken from the platform with the participation of the public. This is the first time such a decision has been taken by the Court of Justice in Rojava. In this way, justice will be served and the decision of the people will find its place directly ”.