'They try to deepen the crisis, national unity is a need'

  • 14:08 4 January 2021
  • News
Rojda Aydın
ŞIRNAK - Drawing attention to the importance of national unity against the ongoing tension in the Federated Kurdistan Region, HDP Cizre District Co-chair Güler Tunç underlined that the war between the Kurds will not have a result.
In the Federated Kurdistan Region, the increasing tensions after the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) shifted power to Zinî Wertê, Garê and Metina regions, established new security checkpoints in some areas, and signed an agreement with the Iraqi Central Government about Shengal on 9 October 2020, opened the way for attacks against the Kurdish people. In northern and eastern Syria, Turkey and paramilitary forces supported by Turkey attacked major cities such as  Efrîn, Girê Spî, and Serêkanîyê. As a result of attacks hundreds of thousands of people were forced to move. The KDP don't answer calls for Kurdish national unity in the face of what happened.
Evaluating the tension in federated Kurdistan, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Cizre District Co-chair Güler Tunç pointed out that the way to stop the attacks is to ensure national unity.
"The state tries to deepen the crisis"
Güler said that for a long time the KDP targeted civilians and settlements in Federated Kurdistan with the support of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), and pointed out that with these attacks, a conflict environment was tried to be created between both sides there. Emphasizing that the way to end the tensions is through ensuring national unity, Güler said, “The state tries to deepen the crisis there. Because of this, they target people who carry out diplomacy between both sides. Massoud Barzani also knows that the Kurds should be united. But instead of taking any steps towards this, he deepens the tension that exists there. The Turkish State is aware of this and tries to attack more. Because the government has understood they cannot take the will of Kurds in four parts of Kurdistan. "They realized that they could not end the will of the Kurds with political genocide operations on HDP and the massacres."
‘The Kurdish people have been fighting for 43 years’
Güler said, "They try to make Kurds to kill each others.'' stated that the Kurdish people constantly called for unity and that this call should be answered. Saying that the Turkish state tries every way to attack the Kurds and cause massacres, Güler said, "The Zilan Massacre, the massacres in the basements in Cizre... The Kurds are subjected to massacres by Turkish State. While we are under such attacks, there will be no winner in a war between the Kurds. Massoud Barzani should also know that for 43 years, the Kurdish people have been struggling to live with their own will, on their own land, with their own identity. It is necessary not to sacrifice this and act with this consciousness ”.
'Kurds should make a sound'
Drawing attention to the curfew declared in Cizre between 2015 and 2016, Güler stated that the massacre is still not forgotten. Stating that there would be huge losses in case of a new war situation, Güler noted that Massoud Barzani should not forget this. Güler said, “What we need  now is national unity. Although Kurdistan is divided into four parts, we need to be one as Kurds. In order to achieve this, every Kurd in the four parts has to make a voice. Currently, non-governmental organizations as well as political parties are calling for national unity, but there is only one person who opposes this, that is Massoud Barzani ”.
Call to Massoud Barzani
Emphasizing that the state does not want the Kurds to unite and stated that Massoud Barzani should take serious steps to prevent war, Güler said, “The attacks that are being made now are also being done to him. If we Kurds disappear, he will also disappear. All the rights that Massoud Barzani has now are thanks to the Kurdish people. He should be based on the will of these people. Millions of people call for national unity. But the Barzani family opposes this. The war will not bring any results to the Kurds. There are attacks in four parts against us. However, we can unite against this and negate these attacks. "