'The society tries to cover up violence against women'

  • 12:45 31 December 2020
  • News
Hikmet Tunç
VAN - In Van, one of the cities where suspicious deaths took place, 12 women suspiciously lost their lives in the last year. Stating that no effective investigation has been carried out regarding suspicious deaths, Star Kadın Derneği (Star Women's Association) member Rojbin Bor said, “The society and families try to cover up violence against women'”.
There was struggle for women in Turkey in 2020, which was a year of increased male violence. Many women died suspiciously as a result of the male violence they were exposed to. In the end of 2020, women began to expose the men who abused them with the "Uykularınız kaçsın! (Stop your sleep)" campaign. Women who expose the perpetrators through social media meet 2021 by increasing their solidarity and organization. Even though the resistance and struggle are high, thousands of women have been the targets of male violence in 2020. Van is one of the cities where many women were subjected to male violence and lost their lives suspiciously.
There were 12 doubtful deaths of women in Van in 2020  which were reflected to the media. Güler Keklik died in Gürpınar district, Cansu Yıldırım, P.A., Dilek E., Hicret Beyazsu, and  2 years old Melek Memiş  died in Erciş district, Hacer Metin and Neşe Altun died in İpekyolu district, Meliha Kara died in Edremit district, Ceren Atlı died in Özalp district, Süphan Boz died in Tuşba district and Gülay Elçi (who had been in the AKP provincial administration for many years) died in Van suspiciously.
Rojbin Bor, a member of Star Women's Association, evaluated last year in the city and the massacres of women recorded as suspicious deaths.
‘We created a great network of solidarity’
Stating that the violence increased after curfew due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in March, Rojbin reminded that violence against women increased by 1400 percent. Rojbin said, “We visited at home women. Apart from that, there were applications we received over the phone and those who reached us through social media. "We created a great solidarity network with women even with limited means."
'We haven't seen the law enforcement officers being punished'
Stating that one of the most important reasons for the increase in violence is the execution law and that men released from prison under this law started to massacre women, Rojbin said that those who practice self-defense against violence are punished. She said, "With the punishment of the person who prevented the violence, not the one who perpetrated it, the message was given to society: "If you try to prevent violence, you will be punished.'' Again, with the execution law and pandemic, the releasings of abusers, rapists, drug users and sellers, and the mafia members are the reasons that are effective in the increase of violence against women. Expert sergeant Musa Orhan drove İpek Er to suicide. Actually, in his message, Musa Orhan stated that he was behind the state and nothing would happen to him. Here, clearly, Musa Orhan, taking the power of the state behind him, said "complain wherever you want, you cannot prove what happened" to Ipek. Unfortunately, it is possible to say that impunity policies are effective here again. Unfortunately, We haven't seen law enforcement officers being punished in this country. ”
‘There is no effective investigation for suspicious deaths’
Noting that violence against women is more common in the region in the form of suspicious deaths, Rojbin said, “We know that women's deaths are political. We know that no suicide is a coincidence, and every suicide is a suspicious death. Violence against women is trying to be covered up by society and family. On the other hand, we know that no effective investigation has been conducted into any suspicious deaths. Due to this, there are too many suspicious female deaths in the region..
'We continued solidarity under all circumstances'
Stating that the women's struggle against increasing violence is also growing, Rojbin said that they are on the streets across violence.Rojbin stated that they could not use the street effectively due to the "prohibition of action and activity" lasting for 4 years by the Governorship of Van. She said ''We never did back down. We continued to solidarity with women in all circumstances. No woman will ever walk alone. Long live the women's struggle!''