The hunger strike is on the 16th day

  • 10:39 12 December 2020
  • News
HABER MERKEZİ - The hunger strike which the prisoners started to abolish the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and end the violations in prisons, continues on the 16th day with the fourth group.
The hunger strike which started on November 27 by prisoners in Turkey's and region's prisons to abolish the continued isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and end the right violations in prisons continues. The hunger strike action taken by the 4th group and it's on its 16th day.
PKK and PAJK prisoners sent a message from prison saying that the pressure they’re experienced is worse than in the 1990s and they say “Until this time, you could not receive us and you  will not able to receive us . You will not be able to bring us down. You could not darken our sun, you will not be able to darken it, ”.  They express they have  determination to fight until they completely destroy the isolation.