House raids in Ankara: 11 detained

  • 11:09 27 November 2019
  • News
ANKARA - 11 people were detained during house raids in the morning.
A detention operation was made in Ankara early this morning. Names of the detainees are as follows: Şehriban Başak, Ethem Özgan, Health and Social Workers' Labor Union (SES) MYK member Fikret Çalağan, Sebahattin Karlı, Kemal Akalın, Middle East Technical University (OTDU) student Berfum Colak, People's Democratic Party (HDP) member Mazhar Yerlik , Belkıs Yurtsever, Ziya Cebeci, Human Rights Association (İHD) member  Fatin Kanaat, and People’s Democratic Party PM member Bereket Kar.
The reason of the detention cannot be learned and the detainees were taken to TEM.