Women's alternative and peer production against the slump

  • 08:25 18 April 2019
  • News
VAN - Women who grow fruits and vegetables in greenhauses they have built with their own means state that they started alternative production against the economical crisis.
Women from Suphan, the neighbourhood of Edremit, Van provide for themselves with the fruits and vegetables that come from their greenhauses. Azize Bakir states that they have been planting for 4 years in the greenhauses and after the seeds they sowed become seedlings, they plant them on the soil. She says, "We sow seeds of various vegetables, such as pepper, melon, watermelon and tomato. When they start to grow, we plant them on our rented field in the district of Elcis.  We do our job with pleasure, even though it is tiring."
"We can stand strong in the face of the slump with our produce"
Haliye Koc, who says " There is no other way for women than to produce" stresses that they produce alternatively against the slump. She continues, "We have to provide for our families. We can only survive the slump with the help of our produce. We hold on to that. There are people who can't even buy any vegetables. We prevent this with our greenhauses. That brings us a great joy."